Well Blended Nutrition is a company focused on providing delicious and nutritious smoothies, pre-prepared paleo meals, and Vitamin Supplements.
Well Blended Nutrition is a company focused on providing delicious and nutritious smoothies, pre-prepared meals, and Vitamin Supplements that provide essential minerals and nutrients to nourishes and help your body grow healthy and strong.
Our Promise: To only use whole food ingredients, free of any artificial additives or synthetic sweeteners. We want every calorie to nutrient-dense and natural, complete with the phyto-nutrients of whole foods necessary for rebuilding a new and better you!!
Our smoothies are light and full of flavor and so sinfully delicious that you wouldn’t believe that they are good for you.
Our friendly expert team of blend baristas are well equipped tomix you a smoothie from our ever growing menu, as well as create custom blends specifically suited to fit your needs.
Our Pre-prepared meals are convenient, tasty and take all of the hard work out of meal prepping. No more dreading Sunday shopping, or having to divide out portions, or cooking all day, or trying to come up with new items to cook. We do it all for you!!!! Just look over the menu, pick your meals for the week and pick up at our location in Madison (Inside the Hogan Family YMCA).
Our Vitamins and Supplements are complete with the nutrients and minerals that your body need which are often absent in your daily eating. They help plug up nutrition gaps in your diet and when consumed regularly can help prevent deficiencies that can contribute to chronic conditions.
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