Serving Gourmet Dogs, Foot longs, Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Porker Nachos! Will also have Specials --Hot Beef w/ Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Sloppy Joe's etc...
The Patty Wagon will serve our Gourmet Dogs, Pulled Pork, Porker Nachos,Corn Dogs.We will be adding items to the menu as we get going a little. We will have Sloppy Joe's, Hot Beef w/mashed potatoes and gravy, Sausage Biscuits & Gravy, etc... When the weather cools down we will have homemade Soup and Chili.!!! All our food will be Home Cooked Food !!! Can't wait to get started and if you have ANY suggestions let us know!! We will even have good ole' Goulash !!!
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