Phat Daddy's Sports Bar and Grill - Fayetteville, NC
Phat Daddy's Sports Bar and Grill - Fayetteville, NC
Vote 4.4 (promedio de 166 opiniones)
PHAT DADDY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL is Fayetteville’s Spot to Relax, Dine and Play.
PHAT DADDY’S SPORTS BAR AND GRILL is Fayetteville’s Spot to Relax, Dine and Play. Come in and enjoy our delicious menu items for dine in or to go – your choice. Had a long day and just want to grab a drink to unwind, come and sit by the bar tune into the tube and unwind with us. Like to play pool? Then bring in your best pool stick or use ours and come show us your stills on the table. Our Sports Bar and Grill is great for family and social outings. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!!!
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