We are a start-up focused on transforming #LiverHealth by raising awareness of the #LiverDisease and launching everyday products that campaign for #LiverHealth. Our partners include @TheLiverGroupCharity, a medical charity & @Liver4LifeUK.
At Liver Health UK we believe that people who come together with a purpose can achieve anything, just by taking one step at a time. That’s why we’re inviting you to join us to beat the #LiverDisease. This debilitating condition now affects 650 million people across the world. Although alcohol is widely believed to be the major cause of liver disease, research has shown that only one-third of sufferers are affected due to excessive alcohol consumption. The rest are simply victims of our 21st-century lifestyle.
We have to act now! That's why we are raising awareness of the #LiverDisease and supporting research into finding a cure. Let's spread the word to avoid up to 30% of the population sleep walking into #LiverHealth issues.
Join us on our journey, one step at a time.
Our partners include @TheLiverGroupCharity, a medical charity & @Liver4LifeUK, a patient care charity.
Este sitio recopila y organiza una lista de restaurantes en todo el mundo. Puede encontrar lo que le interesa en unos pocos clics y de forma gratuita.
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