James Joyce Prague Irish Pub

Welcome to The James Joyce Irish pub Prague, serving you the warm welcome and cosy atmosphere of any Dublin pub. Come to try our famous food and libations

James Joyce Prague Irish Pub

About James Joyce Prague
The Irish Pub in the Heart of Prague

If Prague has a bit of an Irish heart, it beats within the walls of James Joyce The Irish Pub, a mere few steps from Old Town Square at U Obecního dvora 4. These walls resonate with the very essence of Dublin, home to the iconic writer Joyce, as well as Molly Malone, spiritual 17th century fishmonger, singing “Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!”

If Joyce and Molly seem of different times and talents, so be it. Dublin bred them both, the one a writer of unequalled talent and the other a symbol of the very spirit of the city.

For this pub was, for years called Molly Malone’s, until one day in early 2010 James Joyce roused himself from the other side of Old Town Square to move in and comfort himself over an Irish single-malt whiskey. Thus are legends made and tall tales spun by the fireplace at James Joyce The Irish Pub.

That Personal Touch

In a day of franchised pubs and eateries constantly changing hands, sure and its a pleasure to drop in where you’re known and greeted by name. That’s the way it used to be in the day . . . the day when we knew each other and chatted up the barman.

The Joyce is owned by an Irishman who made the long beer pilgrimage to Prague many, many years ago and just after Prague shook off the chains of that Iron Curtain that held her out of view for nearly five decades. Grandly, she survived.

Less grandly perhaps, but every bit as true to himself and his patrons, the owner takes great pride in what was Molly Malone’s and is now James Joyce The Irish Pub each of them the same ownership. That is why you will always find a familiar face working behind the bar or wandering the rooms, making sure you get that personal touch and takin’ care to keep the spirit of the place intact.

It’s in the grand tradition of Dublin.

    Pub, Irish Restaurant

    Desayuno, Café, Cena, Bebidas, Almuerzo

          Adecuado para grupos
          Adecuado para niños
          Mesas al aire libre
          Servicio de mesa
          La reserva NO es obligatoria




      U obecniho dvora 4, Prague, Czech Republic

  Estacionamiento en la calle



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