Tasting Room Hours:
Monday- Closed
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 12-6pm
Thursday 12-6pm
Friday 12-7pm
Saturday 12-7pm with tours at 1230, 130, and 230pm
Sunday 12-4pm
We brew beer with real New Hampshire spirit of independence, home-town pride, and hard work. Our goal is pretty simple: to bring people together, to celebrate this quirky little town we live in, and to make a living doing something we care about. And, darn it, we think we do that pretty well. Using only the finest ingredients, we craft all of our beers by hand and stake our reputation on every glass it goes into. We wouldn't have it any other way. So go ahead, pour yourself a glass! We promise you'll be coming back for more. Cheers!
Make sure to Like Us and follow our Twitter page at twitter.com/hennikerbrewing to be entered to win free Henniker Brewing merchandise and other prizes!
Este sitio recopila y organiza una lista de restaurantes en todo el mundo. Puede encontrar lo que le interesa en unos pocos clics y de forma gratuita.
El sitio vive exclusivamente a través de la publicidad y por lo que pide que desactive el bloqueo de la bandera. Si no desea someterse a la molestia de algunas banderas no invasivos, luego aterrizó con la molestia de buscar en el caso de que necesite en otro lugar o haga clic en ME GUSTA
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