Bare Roots offers a modern approach to healthy eating. Eating healthy food can be easy and delicious. Food is your medicine, and Bare Roots is your farmacy
Bare Roots was created from our love of all things healthy, especially food. We believe in the power of real, whole food but, we also know between work, gym and personal commitments our schedules can keep us out of the kitchen, and from maintaining the healthy lifestyle we wish to have. That's why we created Bare Roots Farmacy. We want to provide meals for EVERYONE, because healthy food can taste good, too.
We at Bare Roots are ordinary people traveling the same journey as you; the journey toward putting healthy, real food into our bodies and giving them the fuel they need to perform like the machines they truly are.
Health Food Restaurant
Desayuno, Café, Cena, Bebidas, Almuerzo
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