朴子清木外科是祖父黃清木醫師留下來的老醫院,為一日洋混合式之兩層樓建築,一樓前面騎樓部份為加強磚造並設有簡化式鋼筋水泥古典柱,一樓其餘部份及二樓均為檜木打造,日治時期1930年(昭和5年)興建迄今已86年,當初是由日本醫生松浦保まつうら たもつ所建,原為日治時期朴子公醫院,後改制為衛生所,黃清木醫師即為第一任衛生所主任,光復後1956年祖父買下該建築開設清木外科作為診所兼住宅;另祖母黃吳彩雲藥劑師除在醫院協助祖父外,亦曾擔任朴子國中第一任校長、縣議員、國大代表及婦女會主席等,於教育界及政壇相當活躍。
当時の祖父祖母を偲び、残した功績を賞賛すべき、また早期の朴子から築いてきた医療文化を後世に伝え継ぎたく、2015年11月から孫の黄崇哲と奥さん蕭秀霜が自力で老朽化した建物を修復し、祖父の名前にちなんだ『清木屋』を開く。コーヒー 、軽食、手作りアイデア商品を販売する他、朴子の医療文化を展示し、当時の清木外科の華やかを再現する。これをきっかけに、歴史的な建造物の保存と活用を喚起し、先人の良き伝統を受け継ぎ、守り続いて欲しい。清木屋でコーヒーを飲みながら、医療文化を語り合い、地域に根ざしだ伝統保存の交流の場として目指したい。
The Ching-Mu Clinic is a two-story building whose architecture combines both Japanese and western design elements. Pillars in the first floor arcade are built with reinforced concrete, with the rest of building made of cypress. The building was built in 1930 by a Japanese Doctor named Matsuura Tamotsu, and was a public hospital in Puzi city during the Japanese colonization of Taiwan. Later on, the public hospital became a local health center. Dr. Ching-Mu Huang was the first dean of the health center. After Dr. Huang purchased this building in 1956, the first floor was used as a clinic and his family lived on the second floor. His wife, Tsai-Yun Huang-Wu assisted in the clinic as a pharmacist for several decades. She was also activate in political and educational circles, as a legislator, a member of the National Assembly, the President of the Women’s Council, and the first President of Puzi Junior High School. To honor our grandparents and preserve the medical culture of Puzi City, we decided to renovate and open this building to the public as the Ching-Mu Café.
Jerry Huang and Sunny Shiao in 2016
Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Medical & Health
Café, Bebidas
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