Yahweh All-Natural Farm and Garden is a family owned farm currently growing Certified Organic fruits and Vegetables
Yahweh All-Natural Farm and Garden is owned and operated by Saul and Diana Padilla. Having been raised in Canatlan Durango, Mexico, Mr. Padilla has farmed his entire life while Mrs. Padilla, a Chicago native, has extensive experience in fine dining. Both Mr. and Mrs. Padilla take great care and pride in the quality of their work and mission.
Mr. and Mrs. Padilla lived and worked in Indiana where they grew accustomed to local farmer markets. Gaining interest in growing organic produce, they started a small, family garden which they shared with family and friends for three years before moving to Harlingen in 2004. Upon arriving in Harlingen, Mr. and Mrs. Padilla realized the need and demand for specialty farm products in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Since starting their small garden in 2004, the Padilla family has now expanded their garden into a three acre farm consisting of all-natural, organic produce. They have also joined the farmers? Market in Brownsville and Harlingen, TX where they sell all of their produce every week.
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