Mainland Magongo

changamwe mainland magongo, Changamwe, Kenya     Restaurant

Port Reitz

portreitz road, Changamwe, Kenya     Geographical Place, Restaurant, City

Port Reitz is a district of Mombasa, Kenya, and is located north-west of the island. It was named after Lieutenant J.J.Reitz, an officer in the Royal Navy, who became commander or resident of Mombasa in February 1824.Mombasa AirportPort Reitz is the location of Moi International Airport, the second largest airport in Kenya. The dual-runway airport was originally named Port Reitz Airport.Port Reitz HospitalAt the end of the main Port Reitz road is the Port Reitz District Hospital. The hospital operates specialises as a mental institute, a children's hospital and prosthetics centre. A funeral di...

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