This menu is inspired by Mexican and Spanish street food, the Veracruz region of Mexico and the city of Madrid.
This menu is inspired by Mexican and Spanish street food, the Veracruz region of Mexico and the city of Madrid. Veracruz will feature small plates, individual tacos, ceviche’s, grilled meats, large plates and will include an wide variety of vegan items. Expect to find tableside guacamole, quesadillas, Mexican and Spanish empanadas and tuna tar tar nachos on the small plates menu.
Tacos will be served up individually to allow guests to sample a variety of options including Carne Asada made with grilled skirt steak, onions and chipotle aioli. From the La Plancha or the grill section of the menu guests will feature expertly grilled meat fish and vegetables accompanied by a trio of sauces, the star from the grill is the Iberico de Belotta skirt steak from the legendary black footed pigs of Spain raised on acorns. The large plates section will feature classic Mexican dishes like Snapper Veracruz and Fajitas Nortenas, plus classic Spanish Paellas. That’s not it, the bar will offer a variety of Margaritas, Sangrias, Gin & Tonics and Punch Bowls in addition to inspired classic cocktails. Plus a Spanish and Latin American Wine List.
Spanish Restaurant, Bar, Mexican Restaurant
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Reservations Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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