What was the Beachland before it was a music venue?
The Beachland Ballroom was built in 1950 as the Croatian Liberty Home, with the ballroom and tavern comprising the original structure. In 1976 the kitchen and back bar area were added. The Liberty Home was active on many social and political fronts and was a true Cleveland landmark before becoming Cleveland's most eclectic music club in the year 2000.
Where's the Beach?
We've had more than a few of you ask with a name like Beachland, where's the beach? Actually it's less than a ½ mile north of here. In fact, one of the nation's best known amusement parks -- Euclid Beach – was right at the north end of E. 156th St. Euclid Beach operated from 1894 until 1969 and "Beachland" became the slang name for the whole North Collinwood neighborhood in those days. A number of reminders of the "Beachland" era remain. On E. 185th St. we still have the "Beachland Branch" of the Post Office as well as hardware stores, dry cleaners and other businesses with the "Beachland" name in the area. On Lakeshore Blvd. there is even a Beachland Presbyterian Church! Sadly, very little of the former Euclid Beach Park still exists. The actual "beach" is still there, much of which is now the Euclid Beach State Park, a public swimming area. The old Euclid Beach carved archway entrance also remains and is now serving rather incongruously as the entrance to a senior citizen high-rise apartment building.
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