Sweet treats, savory bites or weddings/events we have you covered. From first sight to last bite we are sure to win you over.
We have a few different departments that operate out of our store front.
We have the cafe which serves breakfast, lunch and early dinner with items such as sandwiches, quiches, soups, wraps, salads, bierocks and many other savory items. (We even have kid friendly items!)
We have the bakery which serves cobblers, cookies, pies, cupcakes, tarts and much much more.
We have the catering department that delivers breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert to meetings, parties or events.
We also have our specialty cake department that does cakes for birthdays, showers, weddings, anniversaries or any other cake worthy event!
If you have a special diet or just a special request call in and speak to our staff. We can accommodate most any request.
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