Strongwater Food and Spirits is a restaurant, bar, and event space in the heart of East Franklinton.
Strongwater is attached to and born from the art and creative spirits of 400 W. Rich St., a 100 year old 105,000 sq foot warehouse filled with 97 private art and performance studios.
The D.A. Ebinger Sanitary Mfg. Company built the original structure in 1910. They began making sanitary pipes, and eventually became EBCO and developed the modern drinking fountain and invented the dehumidifier. Since EBCO left in the 50's the building has been used as a glass blowing studio, a storage facility, the local headquarters for Sweden Freezer, and the offices and storage for Pizza Hut and Taco Bell to name a few.
The bar is located in the old lobby of EBCO, it was last renovated in 1944. We've done our best to keep all the original Birch wood work and Terrazzo flooring in tact, and to use as much old material from the building as we can. That includes everything from strange archaic machinery to massive tools and bolts that look like they were made for an ancient race of giants.
The 3,000 sq foot event space encompasses the original manufacturing building. It has original sawtooth windows on the ceiling, a full bar, recently built modern bathrooms, and a holding kitchen for catering.
Bar, Restaurant, Performance & Event Venue
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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