Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Liberty Station
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens - Liberty Station
Rating 4.5 (average of 1681 opinions)
Creative menu of world-inspired cuisine, and our bar features 40 taps of exceptional craft beers, including special releases and beers from other small breweries. We are proud to provide a bottle list of 100 additional craft and specialty beers.
Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens – Liberty Station opened May 2013 in Point Loma’s now-historic Naval Training Center. Our newest restaurant venture celebrates the venue’s prior history as a U.S. Navy mess hall, while introducing new industrial and organic features of metal, concrete, reclaimed wood, plant life, water and glass. The restaurant encompasses more than 23,500 square feet of indoor and outdoor dining and bars, as well as a bocce ball court, outdoor cinema space and an 11,315-square-foot garden. True to our philosophy, we support an artisanal, natural approach to food, and are the largest restaurant purchaser of small-farm organic produce in San Diego County, with virtually all the food grown at our own Stone Farms used at both our restaurants. Executive Chef Thomas Connolly offers an eclectic and creative menu of world-inspired cuisine, and our bar features 40 taps of exceptional craft beers, including Stone year-round and special releases and beers from other small breweries. As ambassadors of the craft beer movement, we are proud to provide a bottle list of 100 additional craft and specialty beers from around the world.
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