180 seat brewery located in Wilmington's Central Business District at 829 Market Street. Offering full line of beers brewed on location with a great selection of cheese and meat plates, soups, salads, sandwiches and share size skillet dishes.
Stitch House Brewery is hoping to contribute to the dining scene in downtown Wilmington with a full scale brewery and new American menu to accompany the beers being made just a few feet away. The restaurant is owned and operated by life long Wilmington residents who are excited to bring brewing back into the city limits. Diners will be able to enjoy beers along with spirits and cocktails. The menu will consist of cheese and meat boards, soups, salads, and a large sandwich board featuring homemade ingredients as well as a varied selection of share size skillet dishes to encourage a more social dining experience.
Restaurant, Brewery
Dinner, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Suitable for children Outdoor tables Reservations Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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