Priscilla is a 1973 Ford Transit Camper Van which we have lovingly restored and changed into a Food Truck. We will be tantalizing taste buds with our delicious Gourmet Pancakes, picnic hampers and other yummy goodies.
My Food Truck journey started way back in 1994. My dad, famous Sculptor Charles Gotthard restored a vintage 1929 truck for me which we converted into a Food Truck. We moved the Truck from Gauteng to Knysna where I sold pancakes along the cause way towards the Knysna Heads.
My passion for food grew and I eventually became Executive Chef at Oakfield Farm Wedding & Function Venue. Thousands of plates later, my Husband Geoff and I decided to make the big move to Hermanus where we started Mountain View Manor. With the Guest House running smoothly my itch to get back into the kitchen started again and I was ready for a new venture.
I searched the internet for weeks looking for just the right “Food Truck” I knew what I wanted and it was certainly not the main stream… I was on the brink of giving up when “Priscilla” popped onto my screen!!! I instantly knew she was perfect and she had the WOW factor I was looking for.
Priscilla is a 1973 Ford Transit Camper Van which we have lovingly restored and changed into a Food Truck. We will be tantalizing taste buds with our delicious Gourmet Pancakes, picnic hampers and other yummy goodies.
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