Why do we call ourselves Prime One16? Quite simply because PRIME defines the ultimate eating experience.
Why do we call ourselves Prime One16? Quite simply because PRIME is the best by any standard - and is the USDA's highest designation for beef. PRIME steaks have the necessary marbling that imparts a unique combination of taste and texture, which defines the ultimate steak-eating experience.
Prime One16 sets the standard of fine dining excellence. A stylish, lively atmosphere. Cordial and friendly, we like to think of Prime One16 as your own special place. A place with an extensive wine list and beautiful ambiance where you can celebrate with friends, family and associates.
Join us on 116th street in East Harlem to try our impeccable chef-driven cuisine. You owe it to yourself to visit Prime One16.
Steakhouse, American Restaurant
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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