Just imagine a beer and wine festival shrunk down into one room! We want to give you the freedom to taste a wide selection of beers without the wait!
Just imagine a beer and wine festival shrunk down into one room! We want to give you the freedom to taste a wide selection of beers without the wait!
You get to pour your own drink! We're not talking about some computer controlled push button. No, you get to grab a real tap handle and pour the liquid goodness of your choice.
Oh.... and you only pay by the ounce! No prepaying, just open a tab and you're free to taste the most unique selection of craft beer
That's right, no more ordering that pint of a new experimental craft beer only to find out it's too hoppy for your taste. How about just try a few ounces, then try something else, and then choose what you like the best.
Sound amazing?!? We think it will change the way you drink beer.
This is the variety and freedom that you have always dreamed of!
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