Piolalibri Bruxelles

Rating 4.7 (average of 83 opinions)

Luogo di evasione e di ritrovo, caffé letterario, tavola imbandita, covo di sovversivi, palco di musiche e artisti, rifugio vinicolo e gastronomico, circolo culturale. Wine Bar * Bookshop * Restaurant * Concerts * Book presentations * Art expo

Piolalibri Bruxelles

Situated in the Brussels' Eurodistrict, Piolalibri is a wine bar and an italian bookshop both together.

Dynamic and informal, it conveys a curious and open atmosphere and is willing to collaborate on multiple fronts, follows events and trends in order to offer an always contemporary cultural proposition to do with the present Italian social topics.

Lunch: From 12:00am to 03:00pm from Monday to Friday you can find an excellent offer for your lunch break, with vegetable soups, sandwiches, piadine, salads and warm dishes such as lasagnas, tortelli, porchetta and parmigiana. You can finish your meal with a real Italian espresso.

Appetizer: At 06:00pm begins the classic Italian appetizer "aperitivo", during which you can tempt yourself to a large choice of snacks whilst sipping a good glass of wine or a spritz.

Books: A careful selection of classic and contemporary works of Italian fiction, essay writing, cooking books, touristic guides and all of the course books to learn Italian language. Moreover, everything that isn't present in our library can be ordered and will be received in min 3 working days.

Entertainment: Every week three or four events are organized to accompany the Italian appetizer. On one side is the bar and on the other the introductions, encounters, DJ set, Concerts, and exposition of paintings or photographs.

In addition to everything that happens here, there is also an intense promotion of the Italian culture through external events organised with the support of BEIT (www.beitlive.com/) cultural association embodied by our Piolalibri team and by the Artistic Director Stefano Pesca.

    Wine Bar, Bookstore, Performance & Event Venue

    Coffee, Drinks, Lunch

          Catering service
          Suitable for groups
          Suitable for children
          Outdoor tables
          Table service
          Booking is NOT mandatory

   +32 2 736 93 91


      Facebook page

      rue Franklin 66-68, Brussels, Belgium


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