A European-style café nestled on a bustling Rush Street. Between the farmhouse-inspired ambiance and French bistro cuisine, restaurant patrons are transported to the streets of Paris!
Pierrot Gourmet, a European-style café and bistro is all about people watching and basking in the sun - where tables surrounded by colorful flowers face out on a bustling Rush Street. Inside, Pierrot Gourmet takes on a cozy farmhouse-inspired ambience with rustic wood panels and wrought iron accents. After the breakfast rush subsides, the restaurant is filled with shoppers refuelling on simple yet satisfying French bistro cuisine, from staple favorites such as a hearty home-made soup to a selection of French-style flatbreads, similar to a thin crust pizza with an array of toppings. Paired with a crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc and a touch of imagination, restaurant patrons are transported to the streets of Paris!
French Restaurant, European Restaurant, Cafe
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for children Outdoor tables Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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