Pier A Harbor House is a 28,000-square foot, multi-experiential food and beverage destination featuring the finest sunset and water views in Manhattan.
Located where Battery Park meets the Hudson River, Pier A Harbor House is a 28,000-square foot, multi-experiential food and beverage destination with Manhattan’s finest sunsets and water views. The first floor is a free-flowing space designed for convivial eating and drinking, surrounded by a promenade with tables for outdoor dining. The second floor gives way to a multi-room, fine dining experience inspired by the Hudson River Valley foodshed, complete with an intimate cocktail bar. The third floor, which offers unparalleled views of the Lower Manhattan waterfront and Financial District skyline, is exclusively dedicated to special events, and is perfect for weddings, corporate dinners and presentations.
Pier A is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a designated New York City landmark. Opening in 1886 as the original immigration center (known as Liberty Gate), and later as the VIP entrance for European Ambassadors traveling New York. After the turn of the century, the NY Harbor Police and Department of Docks used the Pier as their headquarters. Pier A later served as the main station for the Marine Division of the New York City Fire Department.
HPH acquired the rites to the Pier in 2008, and after 6 years of renovation, opened its doors on November 14th, 2014.
Bar, American Restaurant
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Reservations Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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