Located in downtown Santa Fe, just two blocks north of the historic plaza, we feature the most authentic Italian cuisine in New Mexico.
Osteria d' Assisi stands out as an authentic Italian restaurant in Santa Fe assuring us all that Italy never feels too far away.
Settled in a historic home in the Santa Fe plaza, the Osteria d' Assisi dining experience is an invitation to an Italian chef's home. It is warm and inviting, with an old world charm and a focus on service that is so rare today. The outdoor patio is the perfect respite from work or sightseeing and opportunity to relax and enjoy its proximity to the Plaza and Convention Center.
Osteria d' Assisi has been honored with the Luigi Veronelli's Best Italian Restaurants Award, Open Table Diner's Choice Award, and the Taste of Santa Fe Award several years running.
Ristorante italiano, Ristorante europeo
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Reservations Table service
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