Cincinnati's premier brewpub, located along the riverfront next to Great American Ballpark. Celebrate Cincinnati's Brewing Past, Taste the Future.
The history and heritage of Cincinnati’s storied brewing history has come alive once more along the banks of the Ohio River with the opening of the Moerlein Lager House Restaurant and Brewery.
Prominently situated in the dynamic Smale Riverfront Park, the Moerlein Lager House offers a guest experience unlike any other—a working microbrewery producing a full line of Moerlein craft brews, and delectable fare featuring grain spent breads, hand carved sandwiches and smoked rotisserie meats… foods reminiscent of those served in the city’s celebrated 19th century beer gardens. The design of the Moerlein Lager House was created to greatly enliven the dining experience by offering sweeping views of the park, the Ohio River, the Roebling Suspension Bridge and Great American Ballpark from both its indoor dining spaces and its expansive ‘biergarten’. In a city that cherishes its beloved brewing legacies, the Moerlein Lager House has already become an enduring tribute to its history and culture in a welcoming, casual modern-day environment.
Reservations are accepted, and private dining spaces are available.
American Restaurant, Pub, Gastropub
Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Reservations Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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