From our original recipe we use certified organic ingredients to make the delicious donuts. We have cafes in Greenlake, Ballard & Capitol Hill.
Greenlake Mighty-O
2110 N 55th Street
Seattle, Washington 98103
M-F 6am-5pm
Sat-Sun 7am-5pm
Ballard Mighty-O
1555 NW Market Street
Seattle, Washington 98107
M-F 6am-5pm
Sat-Sun 7am-5pm
Capitol Hill Mighty-O
1400 12th Ave
Seattle, Washington 98122
M-F 7am-5pm
Sat-Sun 7am-5pm
Mighty-O donuts are made-from-scratch using all-organic, non-GMO and plant-based ingredients sourced from sustainable farmers. A Seattle-based company, Mighty-O was founded in 2000 to make a difference in the world and its community by selling organic donuts that taste delicious and at the same time would raise awareness, support sustainable agriculture and community causes.
Donut Shop, Coffee Shop, Bakery
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Suitable for children Outdoor tables Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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