Meggie Moo's is a 50's themed diner/grill with an old fashioned ice cream parlor experience . Come take a walk back in time and relive your childhood.
In the transformation of the building, it was decided and agreed upon that it would be named Meggie Moo's after the owner's granddaughter, Megan. Megan was supposed to be born on Halloween but came weeks early and was dressed as a cow for her first Halloween. Her godparents and babysitter renamed her Meggie Moo. It was a natural fit for the Ice Cream Parlor. After the first year in business, it was decided Meggie Moo's needed more so two men with a dream worked hard day and night to turn unchartered space into a grill and game room. Megge Moo's Grill and Game Room opened in August of 2015. Meggie Moo's is a family run business that takes pride in keeping things affordable for all families so they may enjoy time with family and make lasting memories without breaking the bank.
Ice Cream Shop, Fast Food Restaurant, American Restaurant
Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Suitable for children Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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