Les Ursulines International Hotel - Gourmet Restaurant

Rating 4.5 (average of 28 opinions)

Les Ursulines Hotel is located in a 17th century convent and a 18th century former chapel. It overlooks the Roman ramparts and magnificient Morvan hills.

Les Ursulines International Hotel - Gourmet Restaurant

Magical transition when entering: from city side – a narrow street typical from old cities, behind the cathedral – to country side: suddenly the large curved window bays of the convent offer a panoramic view over the Morvan hills in the background.

You forget the city and noise. The huge panoramic terrace carpeted with French gardens, above the Roman ramparts, is appeasing and impressive.

You stand by the top of the Ramparts, facing Morvan hills. You turn around and have a complete view of the U shaped convent building, covered with Virginia creeper, allowing a 360° of green scenery. Serenity.

In summer, you can have dinner outside, in front of the sunset. 24 miles of view.

Magic moments.

    Restaurant, Hotel, Convention Center

   +33 (0)3 85 86 58 58

      14, rue Rivault, Autun, France

  Internal parking, Parking in the street

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