The first coffeehouses in Cario and Damascus were called “Schools of the Wise” due to their function as a social space for coffee and discussion. Later coffeehouses opened in Europe and attracted thinkers, philosophers, and artists.
In many ways, L'Abri seeks to restore this original function of the coffeehouse by being a sort of a modern Palestinian "school of the wise". It does that by 1. offering tasty fresh coffee drinks, juices, various sandwiches and snacks, and 2. providing a space for reading and community, and fostering a culture of free, and serious engagement with ideas that shape and affect individuals and the society at large, whether it be through literature, the arts, or theology and philosophy.
The word "L'Abri" is French for shelter or refuge. We also hope that this place would create a sort of "shelter" for people to come, meet, study, and enjoy community together.
The facilities of the coffeehouse include a garden, an outdoors sitting area, a cave, a library and study rooms.
Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Library
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Suitable for children Outdoor tables Reservations Table service
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