We have changed our name to JW REED's. We still serve a lot of the same items but we have changed our concept. Come check it out.
A lot of folks are wondering why I would change the name after 20 years in business. Simply put, it's not the same restaurant. The J is for John, the W is for William, the Re is for Regina, and the Ed's is for me. JW REED's. This is our family and I felt it was time to change. We still serve the best fried chicken and all the vegetables but we have changed our concept to more of a casual dining atmosphere. I have added a lot of new items to the menu like crab legs, stuffed shrimp and we still do an excellent prime rib. We have also added beer and wine to have with your dinner if you would like. Look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks Ed
American Restaurant, Seafood Restaurant, Steakhouse
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