Located downtown Cincinnati on 6th Street, Igby's is the 10th location from Four Entertainment Group (4EG). With three stories of entertainment; Igby's is known for it vintage cocktails and wine preservation.
On an evening stroll through downtown Cincinnati, you might walk right past the rustic doorway to one of the newest additions to Cincinnati’s nightlife. The understated, yet inviting, entrance to Igby’s reveals very little about the other side of the door. In fact, the mystery is a critical element of the appeal. One of the most common questions from guests is about the origin of the name.
Guests of Igby’s are instantly greeted with the crackling of an oversized fireplace and a cordial ambiance accented by wood-planked walls. The space itself is huge—approximately 7,500 square feet. The Civil War-era building posed many challenges, but developers persevered through massive restoration work to create a modern and hyper-stylized space. The Igby’s atrium features balconies around each level so that patrons can look up or down onto the other floors. Igby’s also has two outdoor patios: one with plush seating in an urban alley and one on the second floor that allows for people watching along the burgeoning Restaurant Row.
Prior to opening, Igby’s invited world-renowned mixologist, Brian Van Flandern, to create a craft cocktail menu that would garner attention throughout the Midwest. Igby’s also has an extensive beer and wine selection.
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