Our chefs roam the pastures and forage for ingredients daily to showcase their findings by offering an 'Indigenous Dining Experience'.
Every day the weather and seasons determine what we will find.
Our chefs roam the pastures and forage for ingredients daily to showcase their findings by offering an 'Indigenous Dining' Experience.
Our products are foraged and sourced from local artisans and farmers within a 100km radius of the restaurant. Our chefs prepare them daily using old world techniques with modern inspiration and follow the ethos of promoting a sustainable and unique dining experience.
The menu evolves with the season, according to what nature allows us to harvest, as we only take what we need, to ensure a prolonged harvest of wild edibles throughout the almanac period.
Regret no children under the age of 12 may be accommodated in the restaurant. Children will be accommodated at the tasting room, terrace and outside play area.
Our in-room dining menu will be available to all of our staying guests during scheduled closed times. Forage will gladly welcome guests for reservations and group bookings during scheduled closed times.
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