Pizza, pool, beer, full bar...what more do you need?
Flattop Pizza + Pool is the latest member of the Humpy's family. Located on the corner of 6th & F st in the heart of downtown Anchorage across the street from the PAC. Flattop has a retro feel paying tribute to Anchorage's early history from the 50's & 60's and art installments by local Duke Russell. Pool tables are rented by the hour so need to bring the coin purse or be challenged to keep your table. Flattop features New York style, thin crust pizzas, appetizers, salads and classic childhood favorite desserts like Root Beer Floats & Ice Cream Sandwiches. Except our signature Beer Float...we know what you're thinking, Beer Float? Say what? But it's the bee's knees. We have a full bar and feature locally Alaskan brewed beers from around the state. Flattop Pizza + Pool...Pizza, pool, beer, full there anything more you need?
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