Established in 1952, the Elbow Room is a landmark in Columbus, Mississippi. @elbowroomcolumbus (Instagram) @theelbowroom1 (Twitter)
The original Elbow Room opened in 1952, to the best of anyone's recollection. In either 1961 or 1962 it moved to it's current location at 418 2nd Ave N, Columbus, MS. Prior to being the Elbow Room, it was the OK Sandwich Shop.
Over the years, the Elbow Room has been loved by many. John McClannahan and his Bartending Dog, Buckshot, made the bar famous in the 80's. Legendary James "Son" Thomas, Walter "Wale" Liniger and Bob "Mississippi Spoonman" Rowell all played at the Bow. Today, the Elbow Room is recognized by the Historic Blues Trail for its contribution to the history of Mississippi music, and we continue to support local artists.
As with any girl, she wants to be loved and appreciated for what she is and does, regardless of how she looks. But, like every lady, she deserves an occasional make over, so we've been working hard to give her a face lift with many upgrades.
The bar is lined with outlets and USB charging ports, and we keep a variety of charging cables available. A recent addition to the kitchen is an Italian brick refractory pizza oven for an outstanding dining experience.
Pub, Lounge, Diner
Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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