Crave Coffee Bar and Bistro Located in Arlington TN. For our menu check out our website at
What separates us from other restaurants, specifically chains? We are LOCAL and we support local. Our suppliers are J. Brooks Coffee, Memphis Coffee Guys (both which are Arlington residence) Sweet Magnolia, Jays Wholesale Bakery (Arlington Resident), and Jones Orchard (Collierville). Our products are made in house from scratch with our very own hands. Right down to the meats for our sandwiches. We slow roast our pork overnight, we roast our chicken and make our own dressings and desserts. Nothing comes pre-packaged, shipped from a corporate warehouse or bakery in another state. It comes straight from us and not because we need a paycheck but because it’s our passion. I believe whole heatedly that the quality of our food and coffee triumphs chains 100 percent. My husband and I met in culinary school ten years ago and crave is our dream coming true. We aren't just local business owners. We are a husband and wife team waking up at 4:00 A.M. and baking all of your desserts and pastries from scratch and staying until midnight to slow roast meats and create new specials. When you eat with us, you are truly a guest in our home and you are eating what was made with love. To all of our guests and Crave supporters we are so grateful and we thank you for helping make our dream come true!
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