Chittagong Boat Club

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Welcome to Chittagong Boat Club (CBC) at Patenga, Chittagong. Fresh sunny and pristine place known as the Gateway to Port City Chittagong, CBC boasts pristine beaches and islands along the coast of the Bay of Bengal, as well as a vast system of freshwater

Chittagong Boat Club


The idea of Chittagong Boat Club (CBC) was first conceived by the then Chief of Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy, Late Rear Admiral Sultan Ahmed. The intention was to develop a Club which would perform like an organization where the elites of Maritime Agencies, Civil Industries, Bureaucrats and Military services would enjoy the normal Club facilities including aquatic sports through the Club and also to take part to contribute something for the sea- dependent people while the Club facilities would be fulfleged. Hence, the CBC was registered in the Joint Stock Companies in 1986. Thereafter, the former Chief of Naval Staff of Bangladesh Navy, Late Rear Admiral Sultan Ahmed, inaugurated the CBC on 08 Aug 1990. Bangladesh Navy took lease 2.1 acres of land from Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) to establish the CBC. CPA gave this land beside Marine Academy Jetty at East Patenga. The Club premises have Karnaphuli River on the East and Khal No–11 on the North, Shah Amanat International Airport on South-West, Airforce Base Zahur on West. It has a wonderful panoramic view with hill, river and other natural beauty in the surrounding area. As per Article of Association and Memorandum of Understanding 1913, the Chief of Naval Staff would be the President of CBC. Then, COMBAN (Commodore Commanding BN Flotilla) would be the Vice-President and Later COMCHIT (Commodore Commanding Chittagong) took over the duty of Vice President. Other three Vice-Presidents and 17 members from the Civil Elites and Military Officers formed the Management Committee (The Committee).

The Committee proposed to build the CBC Building as per the then master plan in 2005 but that master plan could not be realized into actions.

Few Club activities were arranged by the Club members various time. For improving environmental effects, plantation was done at Chittagong Boat Club Premises. With the support of Bangladesh Navy Boat Club Accommodation and Store Room was built in 2005. Purchase, sinking and installations of a deep tube- well with a good capacity pump and an overhead tank for storage of water were completed at Chittagong Boat Club (CBC) in 2005.

Chittagong Port Authority (CPA) provided one pontoon and one causeway to Chittagong Boat Club. Chittagong Dry Dock Limited built a causeway with fund provided by Chittagong Port Authority. The pontoon is moored in the riverside of the Boat Club and the causeway was later fixed in the present position. Chittagong Port Authority provided addition land on lease to build Club House, Convention Center, Guest House and huge Parking place etc. Beside Bangladesh Navy, Chittagong Port Authority is the only Government office which extended unique support to Chittagong Boat Club.

The new age of CBC started while Vice Admiral Zahir Uddin Ahmed took over as President of the Club on January 2009. Under his dynamic leadership and strong commitment Boat Club started to get headway since 2009. The grill house first started operating at Boat Club with a grand ceremony on July 2009 under arrangement of Asian Group. Total 600 members and other civil and military elites and their families attended the function.

The first ever Annual General Meeting of CBC was held on 24 April 2010 at COMMAND MESS in BNS ISSA KHAN. President of Chittagong Boat Club, Vice Admiral Zahir Uddin Ahmed, (ND), ndc, psc, BN presided over the meeting. All the members of CBC were invited. The total attendance was about 150 member out of 223 members. In the new Management Committee was formed where Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral Zahir Uddin Ahmed remained as President, Commodore Commanding Chittagong(COMCHIT) elceted as Executive Vice President. Chairman Chittagong Port Authority, Commanding Officer, BNS ISSA KHAN and Mr Salman Ispahani, MD, M M Ispahani became the Vice President of the Club. As per Article of Association, other elected 12 members and 04 Ex-Officio members formed Management Committee. In 2013, total number of Boat Club member is 973.

CBC Corporate partners Asian Confidence Cement Limited, Western Marine Shipyard Limited, Elite Paint Limited, Asian Group Limited and Prantic Group Limited, as these partners stepped forward to build the Convention Center, Cruise Vessel, Mini Hall room, Restaurant and monument, respectively. Under the dynamic leadership of President, CBC Vice Admiral Zahir Uddin Ahmed, Executive Vice President immediately removed 14 confiscated customs boats from the Boat Club premises, raised the land about 3 to 5 ft from the river level by earth filling, made the Club house, restaurant, Bar, Poolroom, Mini Hall room, Ballroom, snooker room, Western Cruise Vessel in shortest possible time. All these asset were inaugurated on the Boat Club Day (Raising Day) of Chittagong Boat Club by the President of the Club Vice Admiral Zahir Uddin Ahmed on 28 January 2012 where the special guest was President Bangladesh Navy Family Welfare Association Begum Shabnam Ahmed.

The biggest convention center at Chittagong CBC-Confidence cement Convention Center completed on December 2013 and inaugurated on 31 December 2013. The upcoming CBC swimming pool, guesthouse are in progress.

This Club is affiliated with Cadet College Club and hopefully will be affiliated with other elite Clubs in Bangladesh soon. The Club is extending its activity on the opposite bank of the river Karnaphuli at Sarof Bhata near Kaptai. A wonderful cottage has already been established at Kaptai for the Boat Club members. A 14-room wonderful guest house has been built at St Martins for use by the CBC members. A wonderful cottage has also being constructed at Hiran Point for the Boat Club members.

    Fast Food Restaurant, Convention Center, Social Club

    Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch

          Suitable for groups
          Suitable for children
          Outdoor tables
          Booking is NOT mandatory


      Ghat No-11,East Patenga, Chittagong., Chittagong, Bangladesh

  Internal parking, Parking in the street


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