Welcome to the official Facebook page for Chick-fil-A Ear of Corn. We didn't invent the chicken, just the chicken sandwich! We are excited to have the opportunity to serve you, your family, and the community of Rochester.
Restauranteur and Chick-fil-A Founder Truett Cathy began experimenting with the chicken sandwich recipe in 1961 and spent years perfecting what is still Chick-fil-A’s number one selling entrée. Cathy’s cooking method is still the way it’s done more than five decades later, and his recipe is still a secret.
Now with over 2,000 locations, Chick-fil-A has arrived in Rochester, MN establishing the location name as "Chick-fil-A" Ear of Corn." So why is it called "Ear of Corn?" Described by the Rochester Convention and Visitors Bureau as a “powerful symbol of the community’s roots in agriculture and the land." Adjacent to the Seneca Foods processing facility, this ear isn’t just for show; it’s still a functional 50,000-gallon water tower.
We are excited to be apart of the community of Rochester and look forward to serving you and your family!
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Suitable for children Outdoor tables Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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