CherryBerry Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt offers over 50 premium rotating healthy and fat-free frozen yogurt flavors and over 50 toppings. The beauty behind CherryBerry is that customers have complete control. Upon entering, they simply grab a cup and start mixing. They can then visit the topping bar to add any or all of the toppings leaving nothing to be desired. Toppings range from granola, cereals and fresh fruits, to all kinds of candies, sprinkles, and even specialty items such as a variety of nuts. After customers have filled their cups, they weigh their creation on a scale and pay for it by the ounce. At CherryBerry, the possibilities are endless. Simply swirl it, top it, weigh it, pay for it. CherryBerry gives the fun to people by allowing them to create their own frozen yogurt.
Ice Cream Shop, Frozen Yogurt Shop
Suitable for groups Suitable for children Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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