It is not just a co-working space, it is where you can feel home and peace; this is because of the special atmosphere with relaxing music and cheerful colors. You can do all your daily life routine which you always do at home such as study, work, eat...
It is not just a co-working space, it is where you can feel home and peace; this is because of the special atmosphere with relaxing music and cheerful colors. You can do all your daily life routine which you always do at home such as study, work, eat, drink something, spend time with friends and you can book a room for your important meetings, courses or birthday parties. The place also host the filmmakers and cinema students who are working on their graduation projects to shoot their films. We also organize different kinds of events like movie nights, open mike events…etc.
Ristorante, Sala conferenze
Breakfast, Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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