The BURRO. Food concept will be fresh tacos with fresh ingredients, gourmet style!
Burro.,is a name I received from my grandfather in my times of stubborness. He was always a driving force not only in our family but in this community. His dedication, values, and support is something that I want to display through what I love, cooking. I wanted to open up here because this is what I consider my home, my community, and I would love to build something local. The concept of the trailer is going to be a Gourmet take on a traditional mexican dish, Tacos. We will use fresh fruits and vegetables to make our tacos pop, quality meats, and different but delicious salsas to create a taco that you are sure to love. We will always try to push the envelope with new techniques, new flavors, and new ideas. I am confident that the experience you get at Burro., will keep you coming back!
Mexican Restaurant, Fast Food Restaurant
Dinner, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for children Outdoor tables Reservations Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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