The Italian cuisine is distinctive of other cuisines for its abundance of different tastes, cultures and influence abroad. It takes its inspiration from its different regions, people and values where it is also characterized by its simplicity, the idea of sharing and cherishing what we have. By exploring the Italian culture, we notice plenty of similarities between Italians and Taiwanese. Perhaps, all cultures bloom from the same concepts around its people.
Our chef, Alex, is from Fangliao, a fishing village in Pingtung, Taiwan. His childhood was filled by nothing but sunshine, ocean and the beauty of nature. He is perfectly connected to the spirit of the Italian cuisine and embraces the soul of Italian cooking. He uses the top quality and local seasonal ingredients that we can tell you that none will disappoint, and some will probably make you want to come back.
As a traditional Italian housewife, who insist on buying fresh and seasonal food daily, we dedicate to provide the best quality of freshness as well. Evolved from centuries of Italian cuisine culture, Buono Bella provides an exceptional food experience of the tradition and new creation where we will lead you to explore Italian cuisine in terms of Taiwanese spirits.
Italian Restaurant, Gastropub, Bar
Coffee, Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Reservations Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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