Billy's - new restaurant coming to downtown Roanoke early 2012
Billy's comes to Roanoke in early 2012. Located in the historic location of the former Billy's Ritz, Billy's will continue the tradition of bringing excellent dining and hospitality to downtown Roanoke. Capturing the elegance and style of a classic Georgetown pub, Billy's will offer inspired American cuisine in a comfortable yet refined atmosphere. We are now OPEN, but our full GRAND OPENING will be June 12th, at which time our hours will increase to lunch and include a full website expansion.
Currently, reservations are available on our website: We would love to accommodate your whole family or large group, but we request that you call ahead for groups of eight or more so we can be prepared for your arrival!
Also, we are collecting stories and experiences that occurred at the Billy's Ritz that occurred in the previous location on our website, so if you have a story to tell, or know someone who does, please share your story with us! We welcome you to our redesign of this historic Roanoke landmark and look forward to sharing many special events and experiences in the years to come with you!
American Restaurant, Bar & Grill, New American Restaurant
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Suitable for children Outdoor tables Reservations Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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