For a good time, head to the corner of 5th & Market
LOCATED IN THE HEART OF SAN DIEGO'S GASLAMP DISTRICT, barleymash is the fun, high-energy downtown restaurant and bar that celebrates the richness of American culture through its appetizing and progressive bar fare. Both the restaurant philosophy and menu offerings draw heavily from two barroom staples: beer and bourbon. The name, in fact, refers to the typical grain mixture used in the brewing and distillation process of both beer and bourbon. What results from this pairing is a uniquely American dining experience and aesthetic that remind all patrons of two simple ideas: life is meant to be sipped and savored, and good times should always be shared.
barleymash is the downtown place-to-be for locals and tourists alike. Set amidst reclaimed wood from the original foundation and a warm modernist design, the restaurant and bar supports San Diego's brewing community with 30 beers on tap from the city's best micro- and nano-breweries. (The bar is also fully stocked to suit any other distinguishing palette.) The garage-door style windows open up the interior space to the Gaslamp's sunny disposition. And, rooted in the idea that we are indeed a community, three large communal tables foster a sense of gathering where deliciously innovative food, conversation and drink can be shared amongst friends and neighbors.
American Restaurant, Sports Bar, New American Restaurant
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Catering service Suitable for groups Outdoor tables Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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