The only healthy fast food in Montenegro!
Alternative super food, for a better living!
Alternativnom ishrenom, do boljeg zivota!
Byblos is one of the oldest inhabited cities of the world.
For centuries, as long as the time of the Phoenicians, people there eat healthy food, and know the benefits of different herbs,seeds,nuts,kernels and spices.
We learned these secrets, and want to share with you an alternative eating habit, that can simply change your life.
Biblos je jedan od najstarijih naseljenih gradova na svetu. Vekovima, od vremena Feničana, ljudi tamo jedu zdravu hranu i znaju prednosti različitog lekovitog bilja, semena, orasima, zrna i začina.
Naučili smo ove tajne i želimo da podelimo sa vama naviku alternativne ishrane koja jednostavno može promeniti vaš život.
Art Gallery, Bed and Breakfast, Middle Eastern Restaurant
Breakfast, Lunch
Home delivery
Catering service Outdoor tables Takeaway Booking is NOT mandatory
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