Welcome to Aoyama Japanese Steakhouse & Lounge! Our restaurant is about more than just a meal, but an experience. Check out our brand new lounge! Come dine in, see a show, grab a drink, relax, and be a part of the Aoyama experience!
Break out of the norm!!!! Most erieites have benn to the mall countless times, have been to the same old chain restaurants, but among a saturated population of eateries sits a Japanese restaurant. As mysterious as the asian culture has been for centuries in how and why they do what they do only lays in the minds of the chefs as they cook you up traditional dishes from the days of old to the new twists of the culture clash generation. Sushi and some the freshest in the city, is hand crafted to fit the palate of all. There is something for everyone....Hibachi grills warming the hearts of the party burning an impression that will not cool for ages. Filet Mignon,Shrimp,Chicken and Scallops are just a few of the delectable foods that are skillfully cooked by our knife trick weilding chefs. Lastly at the end of the busy work day feeling what is life all about you draw the conclusion it's about having a little fun to make it all worth it so come sit by the fire at the bar for a cocktail and let the handcrafted drinks take you back to "a time when...." So stop on by and uncover a new taste for the senses at Aoyama Japanese steakhouse Sushi and Bar.
Sushi Restaurant, Steakhouse, Bar
Dinner, Drinks, Lunch
Suitable for groups Suitable for children Reservations Takeaway Table service
Booking is NOT mandatory
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