Virginia Tech Dining Services

Abstimmen 4.7 (Durchschnitt von 67 Meinungen)

Virginia Tech Dining Services is pleased to provide students with an award-winning program that is committed to innovation and student satisfaction.

Virginia Tech Dining Services

Virginia Tech has built a reputation for outstanding dining. Our dining program stays at the leading edge of national trends. Customers report high overall satisfaction and appreciate the variety of dining options available on campus. Recent customer comments such as "I brag about our food service to my friends and family" illustrate that the Virginia Tech students share our pride in the dining program.

Dining Services serves approximately 7.1 million meals per year
Total on-campus sales of $51 million annually
Current national brand annual gross sales of over $9.5 million
Largest single employer on campus, employing over 2,100 people
Approximately 18,500 dining plan holders with debit-style plans that can be used in any of the dining centers

Awards and Honors
Dining Services maintains a tradition of award-winning programming, venues, and service. In the last five years, more than 50 colleges and businesses have visited our facilities to see a successful university dining program in action.
Vision Statement

Dining Services at Virginia Tech will be the leader of college and university food service by providing innovative and exceptional food, venues, programs and services while fostering student development and a sense of community.

Dining Services Values Statement
"I value every individual's right to have a quality experience."

    College & University, Organization, Restaurant

    Frühstück, Kaffee, Abendessen, Mittagessen

          Für Gruppen geeignet
          Buchung ist NICHT verpflichtend

   (540) 231-3933


      151 New Hall West, Blacksburg, United States

  Innenparkplätze, Parken auf der Straße


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