Make Tom’s Urban your first, next, and last place to MEET, EAT + DRINK. The mix of epic cocktails and good eats infused with international liveliness.
Opening end of December 2014 in the New York-New York Hotel and Casino. A good time awaits you at Tom’s Urban. Bring your friends and a healthy appetite for sharing a laugh – or many. The mix of epic cocktails and good eats infused with international liveliness shakes up any gathering, whether small and intimate or big and rowdy.
Tom Ryan recognized by Gourmet Magazine as one of the “Top 25 Food Entrepreneurs of the Last Quarter Century,” Tom Ryan is the namesake of Tom’s Urban. He founded the concept with restaurant financier Rick Schaden in 2012. The two spent a lot of time together traveling to the best -food cities- in the country to understand the uniqueness of urban cultures, food and lifestyle in America.
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