Light Club Lamp Shop

Abstimmen 4.9 (Durchschnitt von 74 Meinungen)

Coming Soon

Light Club Lamp Shop

From Seven Days:

Shining a Light on the New Radio Bean Expansion
BY DAN BOLLES [10.02.13]

“Um, what?”

Like many of you, I’m sure, those two little words generally summed up my reaction to the news that broke late last week that Radio Bean is again expanding — or rather, how the Bean will be expanding.

(Another, slightly lengthier version of that response I heard in conversations over the weekend: “Um, are you fucking kidding me?”)

As we reported on our Live Culture blog last Friday, Bean honcho Lee Anderson has taken over the lease on the recently vacated Caribbean Buffet space next door to ¡Duino! (Duende) on North Winooski Avenue in Burlington and plans to knock down another wall. That alone isn’t especially surprising, given that rumors of the Bean moving into various storefronts along that block have been circulating practically since the café opened. (Watch your back, Lovely Nails!) But Lee Anderson being Lee Anderson, the chances of him doing something obvious with the room, such as adding more seating for the restaurant or retooling the joint for a bigger stage setup, were slim. Still, even the most creative among us probably wouldn’t have come up with the so-cockamamie-it’s-probably-brilliant idea that Anderson has.

He’s opening a lamp shop.

Um, what?

That’s right. Anderson is getting into the lighting business, in a manner of speaking.

In a recent phone call to Seven Days, Anderson outlined his vision for the space, which is indeed a lamp shop. A “really eclectic lamp shop,” as he put it.

In his as-yet-unnamed new venture, Anderson will be selling artisan lamps, handcrafted by local artists and builders. The shop will also feature other vintage-cool knickknacks as well as the “Kitty Corner,” a spot where Anderson’s wife, soul singer Kat Wright, will offer her own handmade wares — presumably including the killer new debut EP from her band, Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band. Look for a review of that EP next week, BTW. (Spoiler alert: holy shit!)

He went on to say that the room will have a small bar, as well as a space for quieter music. He described a sort of speakeasy-style room, a cozy nook that can serve as a mellower alternative to the bustle of the restaurant and coffee shop for those who just want to chill out with a cocktail. Or buy a lamp.

“It’s not going to be a bar that happens to have lamps for sale,” he said. “It’s going to be a lamp shop where you’ll happen to be able to have a glass of wine.”

I confess to initially being as skeptical of Anderson’s latest big idea as I’m guessing many of you are. But sometimes you’ve just gotta follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole. Or at least through the looking glass of an empty storefront.

During Swale’s 11th anniversary party at the Bean last Saturday, Anderson gave me a tour of the space and further explained what he had in mind. He showed me where a narrow hallway will lead from ¡Duino! and open into the speakeasy. He led me through the old restaurant’s byzantine passageways — it’s seriously a maze back there — explaining where things will roughly go. He showed me where a ceiling will be removed to expose another six feet or so of airspace. He sounded pretty sure he’d get everything done by January 1. And he got me pretty damned excited about the whole thing. Stay tuned…

    Wine Bar

   (802) 660-9346


      12 N Winooski Ave, Burlington, United States


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