Konfusion Kitchen

We’re a Holistic organismic travelling pop-up restaurant. We’re constantly evolving - like a living organism.

Konfusion Kitchen

We’re a holistic organismic travelling pop-up restaurant. We’re constantly evolving - like a living organism. We are here to give you the best possible culinary experience.

We are:
Driven by curiosity .
Breathing gastronomy.
Pursuing perfection

Because food for your body is not enough - it must be food for your soul.

The food:
Thankfully, Mother Nature has filled the world with all manner of natural wonders that offer our bodies all the goodness it could possibly need.

Some people label these natural wonders in different food categories. We just call them ingredients. And by careful craft we use them to reach and even higher level than just tasty and healthy.

We won’t compromise. so… why should you?




      Refshalevej 163A, Copenhagen, Denmark

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