Fancy Fruits Health'staurant

Abstimmen 5.0 (Durchschnitt von 14 Meinungen)

A restaurant that offers dishes made from fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts!! Promoting a healthy lifestyle where your food is your medicine!!

Fancy Fruits Health'staurant

Fancy Fruits is an holistic food establishment, therefore we decided to coined or originate the term "Health'staurant"!

In conjunction with our Fancy Fruits Arrangements decor, We specialize in the preparation of Raw and Living Food!

Primitively the term "Raw Foods" or "Raw Food Diet" was used to described a diet of all raw fruits and raw vegetables, as well as nuts and seeds. Today the diet has expanded to include a variety of dehydrated foods.
Fancy Fruits endorses "Eat to Live, Not to Die" and "Let Your Food be Your Medicine and Your Medicine Be Your Food"...
For a food to be considered Raw and Totally effective it must NOT be heated or "cooked" over a certain internal food temperature.
Fancy Fruits feel that a diet rich in raw foods can help prevent degenerative diseases, retard aging (fountain of youth), provide enhanced energy and make our customers feel more emotionally balanced. We are here to encourage people to reduce the three (3) cooked meal per day, if they're interested in maintaining a healthy and lasting lifestyle. We choose raw foods because they contain enzymes which are catalysts to regulate the digestive process in the body and organically grown raw foods are proven to have much higher nutrient values than foods which have been cooked (dead). We at Fancy Fruits DO NOT cook our foods, because cooking foods at a high heat or for a long periods of time is toxic. Cooking transforms some ingredients, notably OIL and SALT, into harmful chemicals and destroys antioxidants, phytochemicals and enzymes contained in the food.
Fancy Fruits ultimate goal is to change the limited mind-set of the masses by getting them to be more aware and conscious of what they are putting into their stomach. To assimilate Mind, Body and Spirit (Oneness, All-That-Is)!

    Live & Raw Food Restaurant



      33 Ward Ave. Mandeville and Cecil Charlton Park, Mandeville, Jamaica

  Innenparkplätze, Parken auf der Straße


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