If you are looking for the best sea food in the west coast then search no further than Ocean Front Restaurant. Come join us!
Our restaurant is just steps above the waves and on the beach.
Featuring open-air &Fine dining with spectacular view of the sea,
Ocean Front is an ideal spot to catch a spectacular sunset. The inventive
yet casual menu is a testament to Caribbean fusion cuisine and culture, and
serves guests and the local community. A bar and lounge is enhanced with
nautical accents and features tropical drinks including the signature Mangojito
and the Tipsy Isabela Sun Rice.SpecialtiesOcean Front offers a dinner menu of
creative entrees. Freshly grilled specialties feature catch from neighboring
fishermen, including spiny lobster ,Mahi Mahi, Ahi Tuna, Angus Beff and
exotic ingredients and spices from natives soil, including coconut, mango
and passion fruit.
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